Restaurants in Thessaloniki
Byron Cafe: Most of the people start the day with a coffee if not all of us. We feel the necessity to achieve the best possible quality to serve the best coffee to you. That […]
DISCOVER OUR FLAVORS “KREONIDIS’ BALCONY” tavern is open throughout the year and offers unique dishes and not only for your daily free time but for your family and social events. The view from “Kreonidis Balcony” […]
Σας περιμένουμε να δοκιμάσετε μοντέρνες και παραδοσιακές γεύσεις θαλλασινών η κρεάτων σε τιμή έκπληξη. Μετά από 16 χρόνια στη Διστόμου 26, περιοχή Χαριλάου, μεταφερθήκαμε σε νέο χώρο πιο κεντρικό, στην Κατσιμίδη 12 γωνία με Θεαγένους […]
Athenians are in love with Noel! Vintage and baroque decoration inspired by Paris and Cuba, amazing atmosphere and great drinks and plates! This place is always full of people but it is quιte big so […]
It is located in one of the liveliest neighbourghoods of Athens, Exarcheia, inside a refurbished neoclassic house, whose courtyard has become a glass atrium that is trully a magnificent place for coffe, food or drinks. […]
It’s an atmospheric bar downtown with elegant and sophisticated decoration. It also operates as a theater and the stage has hosted many performances like the dark and eccentric “Opera chaotique”. The bar also serves supreme […]
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